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Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2016

Conference Videoproduction in Berlin, The Qt Company

5 Cameras, 70 Sessions, Screen-/Laptop- Recordings, Qt World Summit 2015, OCTOBER 5-7, BERLIN, Germany,  Qt Training Lessons 

For the production we had used small devides to record the projector signal and speaker with camera for show the coding steps in Qt software.

The Qt Company Production in Oct. 2015

Here the playlist all videos:

An Conference - Videoproduction for the Qt World Summit, Berlin. 70 Sessions recorded,
produced by greenwoodworx - konferenzvideos und videoproduktion Berlin

Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012

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Videoproduktion Berlin

Wir produzieren professionelle Videos für Konferenzen, Interviews und Imagefilme. Videoproduktionen aus Berlin greenw...